Hello Lovies and welcome to Love -Yoga.
I am sure you haven’t come to this site by accident and that this is no co-incidence. You are searching for a better quality of YOU whether it be physical, mental or spiritual.
So, what is Yoga? This craze everyone is on about! Yoga is the journey to discovering our true nature. Yes the art of Yoga is indeed a practice that will help you through this wonderful journey called life. The awakening of the union between body, mind and soul.
Patanjali’s ( the author of the Yoga Sutras) eight fold/limb path offers guidelines for a meaningful and purposeful life.
The first Limb being Yama, the universal moral code that relates to what we know as the Golden rule – ” To do unto others as you would have them do unto you” .
The second limb, Niyama has to do with the individual moral code of self discipline and spiritual observances.
The third limb called Asana are the body postures, through this practice we develop the habit of discipline and the ability to concentrate.
The science of breath control called Pranayama is the fourth limb which consists of breathing techniques to stabilize the emotions and to recognise the connection between the mind and soul.
Control of the senses called Pratyahara is the fifth limb of Patanjali’s Sutras. A conscious effort is made here to withdraw from external stimuli, still fully aware of the senses, yet detaching from it and directing attention inward.
As each limb or stage prepares us for the next Pratyahara it creates the setting, so to speak, for the sixth limb called Dharana or concentration. Here we focus our attention on a single point.
Extended periods of concentration naturally lead to meditation – the seventh limb – Dhyana . At this stage the mind is quietened. This might sound as an impossible task, do remember that the practice of Yoga is a process.
Attaining the eighth limb called Samadhi is described as a state of ecstasy. A state of Blissfulness, Nirvana, as the Meditator becomes one with its subject of Meditation.
This practice is for all, as I always say ” Yoga is not a competition”. If you are new at your Yoga practice, you might feel a bit awkward or “out of place”, this soon shall pass, as you learn to be compassionate and loving with your body. You will begin to feel better emotionally, mentally and energetically.
My name is Nicolette and I am here to guide you through this Fantastic Yogic path. Whether you are a novice or adapt practitioner I am here to share and serve.
Please follow me over to my about page for a little personal reading about me.
What my students have to say!
Thank you so much for this morning’s class via webex. Your classes have been an absolute God-send, especially with falling out of practice and exercise due to lockdown (or laziness), haven’t figured out which one it is yet ? Thank you with your patience and gentleness with us, at the same… Read more “Erika”
Having Nicolette as a yoga teacher, especially in these uncertain times has been such a huge benefit to me in so many ways. Spirit, Mind and Body. This yogi knows how to create a session that will bring you to your Center and engage all three. Not only does she… Read more “Leigh Globisch”